HD Wall Source Published: Jul 03, 2015 / Sold: N/A HD Wall Source


HDWallSource.com was established on December 16th, 2013 with the mission of providing the online community with an easy way to download the latest HD wallpapers. Prior to the launch of HDWS we felt that the majority of wallpaper websites were making the process of downloading your desired background a lot more complicated then it should be. We noticed that these websites presented you (the user) with many complications such as: missing downloading links, broken images, promotional requirements to obtain a download button, and the beloved pop-up advertisements. We are aware that these obstacles leave you frustrated and provide an ineffective way to download a wallpaper. In reality, the process is simple, and that's the way HDWS aims to keep it.

Additional Information

Designer: John Tamburino

Coder: Garrett Bailey

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